My Focus is on sharing The Gospel with those that don't know our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and teaching Christians to do the same. The mandate Jesus gave the Church in The Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 is for all Christians, not just the evangelists. I believe it is the responsibility and privilege for all Christians to share the Gospel and this mandate should be the priority of the Church

John was released from prison in March 2007 with a new 'Heart and a new Spirit'. He has a deep desire to share his faith and joined a local church. Within a year he went out into the mission field as an evangelist to share The Gospel with the lost and equip Christians to do the same. By the Grace of God over the last 11 years John has spoken in over 20 countries to hundreds of thousands of people in Prisons, Schools, Churches, TV and Media, and community projects. He is actively looking for speaking opportunities and would love to hear from you.

Please visit the ministry website for more information 

TBN UK interview. Click picture to watch. 

This book was written with the intention to reach people with The Gospel whom don't normally read any Christian themed literature. 

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© If a Wicked Man